Killing Detroit - The City That Refused To Die
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Christopher Hood - Born in Detroit, Michigan, during the turbulent '60s, he has a passion for change through honest, factual, and informed journalism. As a member of the International Association of Press Photographers, Hood reports to six international newspapers, including United Press Agency Ltd., headquartered in London. In 2003, As a strong voting rights advocate, Hood's firm conducted the nation's most significant voter outreach effort, deploying 16,000 touchscreen voting machines. Maryland Votes still stands as a national model for public voter education. Hood later appeared in Rolling Stone Magazine with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2006 in a story that shook America and called into question the integrity of our nation's voting systems. Appearing also in 2007 in the award-winning documentary Stealing America Vote By Vote. The landmark film was awarded the CHOICE Award for Best Documentary Feature of the Year. In 2008, he worked with CBS news correspondent Carter Evans in the landmark documentary production Hack The Vote. The film was an in-depth look at the still-unsolved problems with electronic voting in America. Hood has spent the last sixteen years helping develop computerized law enforcement technologies to enhance the safety of police officers and citizens across the United States and Canada.
Killing Detroit is the story of a major American city ripped open by the worst elements of human existence. Greed, racism, and a complete disregard for human life combined to create an American tragedy. These elements joined a destructive partnership to bring an entire city to its knees. As an eyewitness to these deadly events, the time has come to pull the covers off this massive government cover-up. The killing described here represents much more than a one-time event. More so, what you are about to read sheds light on a generational killing that has impacts that still linger today.
People who visit the nation's automobile capital always ask, "Why does this place look like this?" This complex question is in response to the bombed-out ruins of Detroit's inner city. Killing Detroit answers that question once and for all with brutal honesty. This story is part memoir, part government-sponsored criminal enterprise, and part murder mystery. Killing Detroit argues that we live in a nation founded on the premise that one's race is a measuring stick for valuing rights, respect, and life. This book is my passionate response to that vile and contemptuous premise. What you are about to read is, without question, an angry and violent book that pulls no punches. Killing Detroit is not a book with the singular purpose of reading enjoyment. It is more of a historical confirmation of the past present and a prediction of America's future. However, Killing Detroit also reveals what inspires visionary, determined, and courageous activism and how those elements can force us to face the consequences of our actions. You will discover as you read several forceful, unsettling ideas that are directly in opposition to America's addiction to racism. Each idea promises to spark powerful and enlightening reflections for each reader.
Christopher Hood
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