Upcoming Book Events & Media

March Book Signing Events!
Join us for an exciting evening with Christopher Hood, the author of the captivating new book "Killing Detroit," at Morningside Cafe on March 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM. Located At 6369 E Warren Ave Suite C, Detroit.
About the Event...
Dive into the world of intriguing storytelling and uncover the secrets of the '70s drug attack on Detroit with our esteemed keynote speaker, the author of "Killing Detroit." Get a first-hand account of the narrative that intertwines the history and mystery of government-sponsored drugs that killed thousands of Detroit citizens.
Get your tickets now on AllEvents and secure your spot to Meet the Author of Killing Detroit!**
This event is designed for African American Detroiters seeking a thought-provoking and culturally enriching experience. Immerse yourself in a dynamic evening with the author of a groundbreaking book. Explore the untold stories that shaped Detroit's narrative.
Join like-minded individuals in uncovering hidden truths and engaging discussions.
Seize the opportunity to be a part of an unforgettable evening. Reserve your tickets now and be part of this transformative event!
Book your tickets today and be part of an event that promises to enlighten and empower you. Join us on a journey of discovery at the event "Meet The Author of The New Book - Killing Detroit."
Visit this link for free tickets
Second Book Event At The Westin Southfield
Meet The Author 2nd signing event will take place at the Westin Southfield Lobby on March 23rd from 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM visit the URL below for details.
January 17th 2024 - Check out the recording
Christopher Hood Interviewed with Chuck Mertz on his This Is Hell broadcast on Monday, January 17th. 2024 hear the recorded interview at https://thisishell.com/interviews/1688-christopher-hood
This is Hell! is a longform political interview program broadcast across Chicago on WNUR since 1996. Every morning, Monday to Wednesday 10am central time, Chuck Mertz works off his news hangover by talking to the journalists, authors and activists working to make this world a slightly less hellish place.
About Chuck
Chuck Mertz has hosted This is Hell! since 1996. Before that he worked selling Christmas decorations, counting and etching bushings, delivering newspapers, stocking shelves and mopping floors, making gyros, dismantling schools, working concert security, cleaning vegetables, canvassing homes, washing dishes, cleaning apartments, attending to a parking lot, conducting telemarketing research, making sandwiches, selling books, working the door, working a loading dock and warehouse, counting people, counting shoes, freelance writing, production assistant, field producing and assignment editing.
1/22/2024 Christopher Hood Interviews With:
Tinokuda Bvunzawabaya From The United Kingdom On
The Black & Raw Podcast
Hear The Interview At: www.blackandraww.co.uk
Instagram & Twitter: @blackandraww
Podcast: The Black & Raww Podcast
Black History Month 2024
Interview With The Author of Killing Detroit
February 2 2024 at 07:00 PM EST get free tickets at: https://allevents.in/online/interview-with-the-author-of-killing-detroit/80003577979590
Join us for a captivating and thought-provoking event as we present "Interview with the author of Killing Detroit" featuring the esteemed Christopher Hood. On February 2 2024 at 07:00 PM this online event will immerse you in the world of modern African American history and explore the depths of Hood's groundbreaking book.
As the leading authority on urban decline Christopher Hood has gained immense recognition for his powerful storytelling and unflinching portrayal of the Detroit African American experience. In this exclusive interview he will share the inspiration behind his acclaimed work "Killing Detroit" shedding light on the struggles triumphs and untold narratives that shape the city's rich history.
Prepare to be enthralled as Hood delves into his creative process revealing the challenges he faced while crafting this gripping tale and the untapped potential he sees in the untold story of the drug attack on Detroit. Whether you are an avid reader aspiring writer or simply curious about exploring multicultural modern Detroit history this event is a must-attend event.